City Dental Implants
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Fee guide
63a Wilton Road
London SW1V 1DE
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Grossing money
1.The advertiser
2. The receptionist
3.The dentist
4.The patient co-ordinator
The advertiser - Marketing 
The starting Point. Define your budget - £800 monthly
This is the starting point. Potential clients and leads need to know what you have to offer. You have to offer it and put a worthwhile price on it.
External :
Websites - list them, what are they advertising.
                 - How effective are SEO, SMO, links, videos,blogs, etc
Directories online.
Banners online
Newspapers - adverts and banners
Leaflet drops
Business cards - B2B, hotels, etc
SMS, mass e-mailing, SMO - Facebook, twitter, LinkedIn.
Internal :
database - e-mails, deal of the month, SMS, online booking
Business cards.        
Practice Info leaflets
Newsletters - 'What we do'
Uniforms, appt cards
Plasma screens, posters,
Promotional products
The Receptionist - The Pilot. Your daily target - £1000 daily.
Arguably the most sensitive post in the practice. The receptionist is the 1st point of contact in the practice. They will create the 1st impression and help to maintain this. They have to be very well mannered, extremely professional, tolerant and have good marketing skills.
Grossing money -Every contact / lead is worth potentially £500 (click here)
 You are trying to make money for the practice to grow. Your ambition is to convert every phone call, walk-in or e-mail into a £1000 patient.
Your client source (Your money source)-
1.Your existing patients ( most of your client base) - ''Previous is Precious !''
New patients
2.The advertiser,
4.Word-of-mouth (about 75% of new patients).
Be on top of your game ! Please always be polite, no matter what !!
                                                                                     As you speak, pls fill in an appointment slip.
Telephone patient
'Wilton Dental Practice, Debbie speaking, how may I help you today?'
              Hello, I would like to book an appointment.
OK, not a problem at all. What is your name, please?
Have you been to the practice before? ( Answer v. important)
              Yes, I have( they have records. Go to PC and retrieve their records)
Which dentist do you usually see?
               I don't know her name; she's the Iranian dentist.
OK, that would be Dr Ursala ( the practice should encourage patient to know who their dentist is). She is in on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays ( the practice encourages daytime dentists cover 3 days/ week). Is your appointment routine or an emergency?
              Oh, it's just a routine check-up and I need a clean.
** Check on PC to see if pt is NHS, Private, Mixed, Premier etc ***
For NHS patients note there are only few slots available each day. Please click here. Prioritize Private patients
OK, not a problem, I have an available slot for Friday @ 2.30pm, oh, I also have a cancellation for this afternoon at 4.00pm if you would like that.
   Do try to get the patient an appointment before they come off the phone and ASAP.
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